Virtual Pilgrimages
Virtual pilgrimages are pilgrimages with no physical travel, using the Pilgrimage of the Word WhatsApp group.
Look at this page for more information about virtual pilgrimage, or send a WhatsApp message to Dave Smith or an email to davidborrowdale54@hotmail.com
Previous Virtual Pilgrimaages
Advent 2024
During Advent 2024, starting on 1st December, four short pilgrim-themed Advent Journeys took place.
Each Sunday in Advent, a new Journey was published on the Pilgrimage of the Word WhatsApp group and here on the Pilgrimage of the Word website.
Visit this page for links to each of the four journeys.
A virtual pilgrimage along the Pilgrims Way took place on 7th and 8th September 2024. It’s described on this page.
A virtual pilgrimage to Bardsey Island in North Wales took place in May 2024. It can be found on this page.
If you would like more information about these journeys, or anything else, please email me at davidborrowdale54@hotmail.com
I look forward to hearing from you!