Advent Journeys 1
Sunday 1st December 2024
This is the first of our Advent Journeys. In it, we remember when the angel Gabriel journeyed from heaven to Nazareth, to meet Mary at her home.
It will follow the Four Steps of Pilgrimage, consisting of images and thoughts for meditation. On a practical note, there is no set time to start or finish. The pilgrimage can be completed in a few minutes, or alternatively can be periodically revisited later on.
1. Holy Longing
“Examine yourselves”, 2 Corinthians 13.5
Your pilgrim journey begins with new thoughts or experiences that are in some way challenging, or a desire to examine a specific Scripture.
First of all, you are invited to read Luke chapter 1.26-38, in which the birth of Jesus is foretold.
Then, throughout the coming journey, we will be reflecting particularly on the following verse:
“God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee...”
2. Pilgrim Journey
“Set your heart on pilgrimage”, Psalm 84.5
During your journey, mediate on the Bible verses you are reading as you review and reflect on your thoughts and experiences.
Of course, more than any other, we can only ever imagine ourselves on the journey with the angel Gabriel. I was reminded of Peter Pan's directions to Wendy, as to how to find Neverland: "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning." So how can we enter into this journey ourselves?
Firstly, thinking about the passage we have just read, Gabriel journeyed to deliver a message. After all, that is what angels do!
The word “angel” is derived from the Greek word meaning “messenger”. But what was this message? And how was it received?
(The Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1898)
The message that Gabriel brought was stupendously wonderful. He told Mary, despite being a virgin, that “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.”
However, we read that, initially at least, “Mary was greatly troubled at his words...”
Now, I said above, we cannot truly imagine Gabriel's journey. So, to create a sense of travel, at this point you are invited to pause.
Pause, and then re-create in your mind a journey that you have actually made in the past, an important journey to visit other people. For example, going to a wedding or visiting people you haven’t seen for a long time. It could even be an occasion in which you brought important news or a message.
Thinking back over that journey, take time to reflect on the following questions:
*When was that journey? *How did you travel? *How long was the journey? *What was the weather like? *What was the occasion or message? *What were your feelings? *How was your visit or news received? *What were the consequences?
3. Prayerful Arrival
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind”, Romans 12.2
Your reflections during the journey become formulated into definite thoughts and prayers, forming new ideas or modifying existing concepts.
Pray about the journey that you remembered, and for those involved.
Pray about the message that Gabriel brought to Mary.
Pray using the verse in the picture.
4. Servant Response
”Love one another”, John 13.34
Prompted by what you have learnt on your journey, commit to appropriate areas of service in God’s Kingdom.
Gabriel was faithful in taking the message from heaven to Earth, bringing it to Mary at Nazareth. It was good news not just for her, but for the whole world.
How might we, according to our gifting, be enabled to take the message further?